Archives for mars 2019

A Real-Life Game of Risk: Why Civilizationism Is Biggest Threat to Human Rights in the 21st Century

True liberal values and human rights face their largest threat to date, a rapidly growing system of global governance based on opportunistic alliances rooted in populism and an unfettered bid for power argues Dr. James Dorsey.

Hungary Israel

Many have framed the battle lines in the geopolitics of the emerging new world order as the 21st century’s Great Game. It’s a game that aims to shape the creation of a new Eurasia-centred world, built on the likely fusion of Europe and Asia into what former Portuguese Europe minister Bruno Macaes calls a “supercontinent.” For now, the Great Game

Four Years of Hell: To Crush Yemen’s Independence, US-Saudi War Created World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

Despite the enormous international onslaught, hundreds of thousands of deaths, widespread famine-like conditions, hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on war — despite all of this, the US-UK-Saudi-UAE coalition has been unable to crush the will of the Yemeni people, who continue to fight for independence and sovereignty.

Yemen | Saudi war

Grayzone -- March 26, 2019 marked the fourth anniversary of the US-Saudi bombing campaign in Yemen. These four years have unleashed Hell on Earth for millions of civilians. It would be impossible to overstate the devastation, destruction, and death they have experienced. For 1,460 days, Saudi Arabia, one of the richest countries on the planet,

Historically Huge Anti-Saudi Rallies Across Yemen on War’s Fourth Anniversary

Unprecedented numbers of Yemenis took part in the anti-Saudi demonstrations on the fourth anniversary of the war in Yemen this year, indicating a growing opposition to the Saudi-led presence in their country.

Yemen | fourth anniversary

SANA’A, YEMEN -- Massive demonstrations took place across Yemen’s major cities on Tuesday to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the Saudi-led war on the country. The war ostensibly began on March 26, 2015, when Saudi Arabia, backed by the U.S. and other regional allies, launched a large-scale attack on Yemen under the pretext of reinstating

Watch | US Foists “Humanitarian Aid » on Venezuela, Helps Create a Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Kei Pritsker breaks down the nature of US humanitarian aid and how it’s weaponized to advance foreign policy objectives.

  (Transcript) --This video was produced as part of a MintPress News and Grayzone collaboration -- There’s been nonstop talk about the humanitarian situation in Venezuela. In case you haven’t heard, U.S. politicians are really concerned for the Venezuelan people’s well-being -- screaming their all-too-familiar code words that justify

Venezuela Gov’t Presents Evidence of Alleged Terrorism Plots by « Foreign Paramilitaries

Juan Guaido’s chief of staff, Roberto Marrero, was arrested on Thursday, accused of leading a “terrorist cell.” Authorities say that Marrero was linked to to the hiring of Central American mercenaries.

Colombia Venezuela | Humanitarian Crisis

Venezuelan authorities have alleged that self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido and other opposition leaders were involved in a plot to carry out acts of terrorism employing foreign paramilitaries trained in Colombia. Venezuelan Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez presented what he claimed to be evidence of “ultra-right plans to

Lessons for the Progressive Left From the ‘Failed’ Mueller Inquiry

In the combined success-failure of the Mueller inquiry, the progressive left has an opportunity to understand in a much more sophisticated way how real power works and in whose favor it is exercised.

Trump Russia Probe

Here are three important lessons for the progressive left to consider now that it is clear the inquiry by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russia-gate is never going to uncover collusion between Donald Trump’s camp and the Kremlin in the 2016 presidential election.   No. 1: Painting the Pig’s face The left never had a dog in this race.