Archives for juin 2021

Losing Finders: The Buried Documents that Linked the Infamous Cult to the CIA

Why label intelligence reports “Secret” then lie about it if no evidence of criminal activity or an intelligence-led cover-up existed?

The Finders CIA Feature photo

WASHINGTON -- Concerning the Finders cult -- the elusive Washington, D.C.-based outfit whose antics and ties we began examining in Part 1 of this series -- one set of documents in particular held the most explosive allegations made against the group and against the CIA for allegedly covering the story up. Despite their contents, almost no corporate

Bennett’s Fragile Hookup with the Zionist Left Offers Little Promise for a Post-Apartheid Israel

On the racist reality of Israeli politics, the absurdity of calling any Zionist party “Left,” and why the so-called Zionist Left could join a coalition government headed by Naftali Bennett: their differences are inconsequential.

Israel coaltion Feature photo

BIR AL-SABA, PALESTINE -- Jumaa Alzbarqa served as a member of the Israeli Knesset for two years. He heads the office of the National Democratic Alliance, or Balad, in the southern city of Bir Al-Saba in the Naqab. We met at his office and talked about current events and what was until recently the remote possibility of the so-called “Zionist Left”

With Bezos at the Helm, Democracy Dies at the Washington Post Editorial Board

In the Soviet Union, everybody was aware that the media was controlled by the state. But in a corporate state like the U.S., a veneer of independence is still maintained, although trust in the media has been plummeting for years.

Bezos Washington Post Feature Photo

WASHINGTON -- The Washington Post’s glaring conflicts of interest have of late once again been the subject of scrutiny online, thanks to a new article denouncing a supposed attempt to “soak” billionaires in taxes. Written by star columnist Megan McArdle -- who previously argued that Walmart’s wages are too high, that there is nothing wrong with

If Bibi Was the Frying Pan, Is Bennett the Fire? What To Expect from Israel’s New PM

“It’s not like [Israel is] replacing Netanyahu with a person who believes in equality for all, who believes in freedom for all, who believes in human rights for all. They’re replacing Netanyahu with an ultra-nationalist who is going to put forward his ultra-nationalist agenda.” – Diana Buttu, former PLO spokesperson

Naftali Bennett Feature photo

JERUSALEM -- After more than a decade, four elections, three corruption charges, and a tumultuous parliamentary vote, someone other than Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as Israel’s prime minister this week. Naftali Bennett, the far-right nationalist who has replaced Netanyahu, heads the most politically diverse coalition in the nation’s history,

US, Israeli Policies Drive Houthi – Hezbollah Defense Pact as Yemen Feels Palestine’s Pain

Thanks to Israel’s recent onslaught in Gaza and to the freshly provocative US policies in the region, the Houthis have joined ranks with Hezbollah and armed Palestinian resistance in a defense pact that promises to change the strategic reality in the region.

Houthi Israel

SANA’A, YEMEN -- A young groom in his early twenties, Zaid Abdullah al-Shareif, took to the stage adorned in traditional Yemeni wedding attire. He wasn’t just announcing his marriage though. Zaid, holding a replica of the famous sword of Ali Ibn Abi Talib, a historical figure revered for his character and battlefield prowess, was addressing an

On ‘Conflict’ ‘Peace’ and ‘Genocide’: Time for New Language on Palestine and Israel

It will not be easy to deconstruct the seemingly endless edifice of lies, half-truths and intentional misrepresentations of Zionist Israeli colonialism in Palestine. Yet, there can be no alternative to this feat.

Israel Language Feature photo

On May 25, famous American actor, Mark Ruffalo, tweeted an apology for suggesting that Israel is committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza. “I have reflected and wanted to apologize for posts during the recent Israel/Hamas fighting that suggested Israel is committing ‘genocide’,” Ruffalo wrote, adding, “It’s not accurate, it’s inflammatory, disrespectful