Archives for juillet 2021

Meet Toka, the Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of

The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated,  even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance.

Israel spyware Toka Feature photo

LONDON - This past Sunday, an investigation into the global abuse of spyware developed by veterans of Israeli intelligence Unit 8200 gained widespread attention, as it was revealed that the software – sold to democratic and authoritarian governments alike – had been used to illegally spy on an estimated 50,000 individuals. Among those who had their

Lowkey: Israel’s Entryism and the Campaign to Create a Binational Security State

Lowkey is joined by Whitney Webb to examine the IDF’s military intelligence Unit 8200, which gave birth to the NSO group responsible for Pegasus Spyware, and how Israel’s national security state is merging with that of the United States to target free speech and dissent.

Lowkey Whitney Webb

The new MintPress podcast, “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip hop artist Lowkey closely examines organizations that are in the public interest to know about including intelligence, lobby, and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. The Watchdog goes against the grain by casting a light

Why Opposing Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitic: The Christian Roots of Zionism

When Naftali Bennett, the first yarmulke-wearing Israeli prime minister, refers to the Bible to justify his claim to the Land of Israel, he is not referring to Jewish scripture but to Protestant religious doctrine.

Christian Israel

JERUSALEM -- Naftali Bennett once stated in an interview with Mehdi Hassan that, according to the Bible, Palestine -- or, as he calls it, Israel -- belongs to the Jewish people. Palestine is referred to as “The Land of Israel'' by some people and, in this interview from 2017, Bennett insists that if Hassan wants to claim that “the Land does not

The Bay of Tweets: Documents Point to US Hand in Cuba Protests

The U.S. government can cause economic misery for the Cuban people, but it cannot, it appears, convince them to overthrow their government.

Cuba Protests Feature photo

HAVANA -- Cuba was rocked by a series of anti-government street protests earlier this week. The U.S. establishment immediately hailed the events, putting its full weight behind the protestors. Yet documents suggest that Washington might be more involved in the events than it cares to publicly divulge. As many have reported, the protests, which

Legalized Apartheid: The Israeli Supreme Court Just Cemented Jewish Supremacy into Law

Only a few years old, the nation-state law has already proven it can serve as a legal tool for discrimination, racial segregation, and outright apartheid.

Israeli aparthied Feature photo

JERUSALEM — In November of last year, an Israeli judge invoked the controversial Jewish Nation-State Basic Law when striking down a lawsuit against the city of Karmiel over funding transportation for two Palestinian students. In his ruling, the chief registrar of the Krayot Magistrate's Court, Yaniv Luzon, said that establishing an

Breaking through the Western Media Propaganda Coverage of Cuba Protests

While there are plenty of reasons for ordinary Cubans to currently feel disenchanted about life on the island, there are also strong suspicions that these protests were not quite the grassroots uprising they were made out to be in the U.S. press.

Ben Norton Alan Macleod

Welcome to the MintCast Podcast -- an interview series featuring dissenting voices the establishment would rather silence. I’m your host Mnar Adley. A string of spontaneous protests in Cuba became the unlikely focus of worldwide media attention earlier this week, the story dominating headlines for two straight days. Political and media figures