Archives for juillet 2024

Solidarité de la Palestine au Venezuela : Rencontrez les Palestiniens qui observent les élections au Venezuela

Les observateurs palestiniens des élections au Venezuela révèlent une résistance commune contre l’impérialisme. MintPress explore le soutien indéfectible entre les deux nations.

Venezuela Palestine Solidarity Feature photo

President Nicolas Maduro won a third term in office on Sunday, promising to continue and deepen Venezuela’s anti-imperialist Bolivarian Revolution. Many in the U.S. quickly denounced the elections as a sham presided over by a dictatorship. Yet the proceedings were presided over by more than 900 electoral observers from over 100 countries,

Des espions israéliens plantent de fausses nouvelles dans les médias avec Alan MacLeod

Dans cet épisode de The Watchdog, Lowkey rencontre Alan MacLeod pour en savoir plus sur ses dernières enquêtes, y compris sa révélation d'un groupe lié aux services de renseignement israéliens diffusant de fausses nouvelles sur Lowkey et d'autres personnalités pro-palestiniennes.

Israeli Spies Plant Fake News In The Media with Alan MacLeod

The MintPress podcast “The Watchdog,” hosted by British-Iraqi hip-hop artist Lowkey, closely examines organizations about which it is in the public interest to know—including intelligence, lobby and special interest groups influencing policies that infringe on free speech and target dissent. “The Watchdog” goes against the grain by casting a light

Tambours de guerre à Washington : les véritables ambitions de Netanyahu mises à nu

Greg Stoker dévoile l'appel de Netanyahu au Congrès pour plus d'armes et un soutien à un conflit plus large au Moyen-Orient, mettant en lumière l'hypocrisie des actions d'Israël à Gaza et la réponse de la communauté mondiale.

Israel Protests DC Feature photo

Israel is participating at the Olympics in Paris while Russia is banned, despite killing at least 80% fewer civilians in Ukraine than Israel has killed in Gaza. Even the United States has prosecuted its own for war crimes. Impunity for Israel. Enforcement of international law for everyone else. No more explicit was this hypocrisy demonstrated

Les États-Unis ont-ils été impliqués dans le bombardement meurtrier israélien du Yémen ?

Israël revendique l'entière responsabilité de l'attaque du port de Hodeidah, mais de plus en plus de preuves suggèrent une implication américaine.

Israel strike Yemen Feature photo

Israel claims to have acted alone in the bombing of civilian sites at Yemen's Hodeidah Port, which resulted in the deaths of at least nine people and injuries to 87 others. Despite these claims, evidence suggests that the United States may have had prior knowledge of the attack. On July 19, Yemen launched its new ‘Yafa’ drone, successfully

BBC Pro-Israel Bias Exposed by Leaked Emails and Internal Studies

Leaked emails reveal BBC staff accusing the network of complicity in Gaza genocide. Studies highlight biased reporting and double standards.

BBC Israel Bias Feature photo

Since the beginning of the war on Gaza, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has faced repeated accusations of pro-Israel bias, not only from the public but also internally. On July 16 and 18, leaked emails between BBC staff highlighted the extent of these grievances, accusing the outlet of complicity in the ongoing genocide in

Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates et Jeff Bezos : un empire médiatique pro-guerre toxique

Des médias libres, nous dit-on, sont le fondement de la démocratie. Mais être libéré de quoi ? Certes, l’ingérence du gouvernement dans les médias existe. Mais les élites ploutocratiques exercent également une pression massive sur les médias.

Website Billionaires media Feature photo

These are the sorts of headlines we can expect from a newspaper owned and controlled by one of the world’s richest individuals. In 2013, Amazon owner Jeff Bezos (whose net worth far exceeds $200 billion, according to Forbes’ real-time billionaire list)  bought the Washington Post and turned it into a vehicle for promoting his own interests. In