Archives for février 2024

Le CNRI dévoilé : un groupe lié au lobby israélien lié aux colonies illégales et à la censure des campus

MintPress découvre le réseau d'influence reliant le CNRI au lobby israélien et à l'État de sécurité nationale américain, mettant en lumière des méthodologies douteuses et soulevant des questions cruciales sur la véritable nature de leurs recherches « neutres ».

NCRI Investigation Feature photo

Even as Israel pounds Gaza into rubble, carrying out what has been described as a genocide in the process, many of its supporters are attempting to change the subject, instead decrying a supposedly new wave of dangerous antisemitism across American universities. Their evidence for this is a new report from the Network Contagion Research

La menace d’une guerre totale : le Yémen approche du point de bascule alors que les frappes aériennes américaines s’intensifient

Le danger des attaques de Washington sur le continent du Yémen réside non seulement dans le fait qu'elles exposent les civils au danger, mais elles peuvent également déclencher des mesures de représailles prises par Ansar Allah si la pression du public et des membres des familles des victimes continue de s'intensifier.

In the courtyard of Yemen's famous Al Shaeb Mosque, guards of honor stood at attention accompanied by the melody of military music as the funeral ceremony of Yemeni marines killed in the latest round of U.S. and UK strikes commenced. The mourners, many of whom traveled from the countryside to attend, walked alongside a long convoy carrying the

Comment les États arabes aident Israël à commettre un génocide

Mnar Adley s'intéresse à la différence entre la rhétorique et les actions des États arabes à l'égard d'Israël.

Arab States Israel Web Article Feature photo

Palestine’s Arab neighbors seem to have taken a bold stance on Israel’s genocide of Gaza in a public show of solidarity with Palestinians. But behind those strong words, states like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the UAE are quietly assisting Israel. These four nations are working together to circumvent the actions of one of the few regional

Un militant israélien pour la paix appelle à des sanctions et à une zone d’exclusion aérienne en Israël

Le militant pacifiste israélien Miko Peled présente ses recommandations pour traiter avec l'État voyou d'Israël.

Miko Peled Feature photo Explainer

Israel's latest refusal to accept the Palestinian offer for a cease-fire and prisoner exchange demonstrates again that it only wants to continue the killing. Furthermore, the latest cold-blooded assault on Palestinians in Rafah - most of whom are displaced, having had to escape their homes in other parts of the Gaza Strip, presents an urgent need

Propagande du Super Bowl : les liens des Patriots Robert Kraft avec Israël expliqués

Rencontrez Robert Kraft, le milliardaire excentrique propriétaire des New England Patriots qui finance non seulement des publicités inhabituelles pour le Super Bowl, mais aussi des politiciens américains pro-israéliens.

Robert Kraft Israel Feature photo

Amid the fast-paced action that saw the Kansas City Chiefs win their third championship in five years, Americans tuning in to watch the Super Bowl were met with a barrage of unusual propaganda. Nestled between the typical ads for cars and beer were two bizarre messages: one from the Foundation to Combat anti-Semitism (FCAS) and the other from

How Britain is Helping Israel to Bomb Gaza, with Matt Kennard

Writer and investigative journalist Matt Kennard joins Lowkey to discuss Britain’s secret military support for Israel.

Matt Kennard watchdog Feature photo

Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like