Archives for mars 2023

Iran International : Au sein du réseau « financé par l'Arabie saoudite » promouvant le changement de régime en Iran

Iran International : Alan Macleod révèle comment un réseau d'intérêts occidentaux et saoudiens ont convergé pour créer l'ultime outil de propagande dans une tentative ratée de renverser le gouvernement iranien.

Iran International: Inside the “Saudi-Funded” TV Channel Promoting Regime Change in Iran Feature photo

As part of the historic, Chinese-led Iran Saudi Arabia détente deal, multiple outlets have reported that Riyadh has agreed to stop funding or “tone down critical coverage of Iran” in Iran International, a high-profile English and Persian language outlet. Yet even glancing at its homepage, it appears clear that Iran International has not done so,

L'hypocrisie flagrante entourant les commentaires génocidaires de Bezel Smotrich

Bezalel Smotrich n'a jamais caché ou déguisé ses opinions ou ses tendances violentes, et ni ses opinions haineuses ni son passé violent n'ont fait obstacle à son ascension fulgurante dans la politique israélienne.

Bezalel Smotrich Feature photo

A recent talk in Paris by Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich raised eyebrows when he claimed that there are no Palestinian people. In fact, he said that he himself was a real Palestinian, which is a funny thing to say given that his surname, Smotrich, is the name of a town in Ukraine. Golda Meir, prime minister of Israel in the early

La crise bancaire, la précarité du logement et la préparation de l'effondrement économique à venir Avec James Fauntleroy

Découvrez l'état précaire du système bancaire et la nécessité d'une réforme réglementaire dans cette interview incisive avec James Fauntleroy, un contributeur régulier du Revolutionary Blackout Network, alors qu'il discute du potentiel d'une crise économique catastrophique.

Lee Camp James Fauntleroy

The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the 50 billion dollar injection to Credit Suisse highlights the precarious state of the banking system. While the banks claim that they are too big to fail, the reality is that the people who suffer the most when banks collapse are ordinary Americans. The rich can protect themselves by moving their money into

L'expulsion humiliante d'Israël du sommet de l'UA révèle l'échec de sa diplomatie en Afrique

Alors que des espaces géopolitiques s'ouvrent aux pays du Sud, de plus en plus de pays osent défier l'hégémonie des puissances coloniales, y compris Israël.

Israel Africa Feature photo

The scene of Israeli Ambassador Sharon Bar-Li, along with other Israeli delegates, being escorted out of the opening ceremony of the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on February 18, was historical—in a few seconds, the very moment that was meant to crown twenty years of Israeli diplomacy on the African continent turned to represent

La trahison de la Palestine par l'Indonésie : accueillir Israël en Coupe du monde des moins de 20 ans

L'activiste israélien des droits de l'homme Miko Peled affirme qu'en reconnaissant Israël, les pays musulmans trahissent la cause palestinienne.

Indonesia Israel U-20 World Cup

As though someone was trying to prove me right, a few days after I published the article “By Recognizing Israel, Muslim Countries Are Betraying the Palestinian Cause,” I received a message from friends in Indonesia. The piece talks about the seemingly unstoppable movement within majority Muslim and Arab countries pushing towards normalizing

Cheap Algerian Gas vs Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?

Netanyahu has two main demands from Italy: not to vote against Israel at the United Nations and, more importantly, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Italy Israel Feature photo

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on March 9, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu’s visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. Pro-Palestine activists in downtown Rome organized a sit-in under