Archives for février 2024

Rafah’s Dire Plight: Netanyahu’s Last Grasp for Victory

Israel hoped that Gazans would rush in their hundreds of thousands to the Sinai Desert. They did not. Then began speaking of “voluntary migration. » Still, Palestinians stayed. Now, they’ve agreed to invade Rafah, a last-ditch effort to orchestrate another Nakba.

Israel Palestinians Rafah Photo Gallery

The Palestinian city of Rafah is not just older than Israel; it is as old as civilization itself. It has existed for thousands of years. The Canaanites referred to it as Rafia, and Rafia has been almost always there, guarding the southern frontiers of Palestine, ancient and modern. As the gateway between two continents and two worlds, Rafah

Escalade stratégique : les opérations militaires du Yémen marquent une nouvelle phase en mer Rouge

Ansar Allah a clairement indiqué qu'ils n'envisageaient pas d'abandonner leur soutien à la cause palestinienne face à la pression croissante sur le Yémen.

Residents of Yemen's capital city of Sanaa endured another harrowing night last Saturday as American and British aircraft dropped bombs on an insecticide manufacturer in a dense residential neighborhood. In the wake of the airstrikes, MintPress News reporter Ahmed AbdulKareem went to the Al-Nahda neighborhood in the center of the city, where a fire

Victimes dignes ou indignes : une étude révèle la couverture sélective de Navalny et de Lira par les médias

Une nouvelle étude d'Alan MacLeod révèle les préjugés des médias, révélant comment la mort du journaliste américain Gonzalo Lira et du leader politique russe Alexeï Navalny a été couverte de manière disproportionnée, révélant l'influence des filtres politiques et des priorités narratives.

Navaly Lira study Feature photo

A new MintPress News study of media coverage of the deaths of American journalist and commentator Gonzalo Lira and Russian political leader Alexey Navalny has found that the establishment U.S. press overwhelmingly ignored the former and focussed on the latter. The New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, Fox News and CNN collectively ran 731

Miko Peled : La situation difficile des réfugiés palestiniens au milieu du génocide

Le militant pacifiste israélien Miko Peled explique la situation intenable des réfugiés palestiniens fuyant le génocide israélien à Gaza.

Miko Peled Explainer 2 Feature photo

To fully understand the genocide taking place in the Gaza Strip, we need to look at how Israel has strategically distanced itself from any responsibility for the fate of the Palestinian refugees. Israel has consistently used lies and fabrications to lay the blame for the Palestinian refugees on others. Initially, it was the fault of the “Arabs”

Déconstruire HR 3202 : le rôle persistant du lobby israélien dans les sanctions contre la Syrie

Hekmat Aboukhater révèle l'agenda caché de la nouvelle loi César, révélant l'influence du lobby israélien et examinant l'impact plus large des sanctions sur la Syrie et le monde.

Syria Sanctions Feature photo

On February 13, the U.S. House of Representatives deliberated on Resolution 3202, the "Assad Regime Anti-Normalization Act of 2023." The following day, the House passed the bill with a 389 to 32 bipartisan majority. Now, the bill moves on to the Senate, where it will most likely pass with similar bipartisan support and a ringing endorsement from

Alan Dershowitz faisait-il partie du complot de chantage d'Epstein ?

Le 9 janvier, MintPress News a examiné une nouvelle tranche de documents non scellés sur les enquêtes policières officielles et les poursuites civiles intentées contre Jeffrey Epstein – en particulier des documents mentionnant Alan Dershowitz. A cette époque , le militant juridique sioniste chevronné avait été présenté comme le premier choix du dirigeant israélien Benjamin […]

Alan Dershowitz Feature photo

On January 9, MintPress News probed a newly unsealed tranche of documentation on official police investigations into and civil lawsuits leveled against Jeffrey Epstein - specifically, papers mentioning Alan Dershowitz. At that time, the veteran Zionist legal activist had been mooted as Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s top pick to defend Tel Aviv